sunpansa SunPanSa

Ukraine, Poland and Japan.
SunPanSa is named after the initial letters of the national flowers of Ukraine, Poland, and Japan:
sunflower, pansy, and sakura,
in the hope of long-lasting exchanges among the three countries.

About usAbout us

Our country, Japan, is an island nation in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent, and exchanges with other countries had required crossing oceans with strong currents until the development of airplanes, making human interaction limited, and we have had little experience with invasions from other countries. On the other hand, Ukraine and Poland, located in the midwestern part of Eurasia, have few natural barriers on their borders with their neighbors, and there have been many interactions and invasions between the nations.
Although the three countries have different topographies, climates, and histories, they are blessed with abundant nature, have well-developed civilizations, and have nurtured a national character that loves the arts.
For Japan, after World War II, and for Ukraine and Poland after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, they continue to have a strong desire for peace.
Non-Profit Organization SunPanSa promotes cultural, educational, and academic exchanges to further nurture the friendship between the three countries. We also invite displaced persons from Ukraine, which is currently in a state of war, to Japan and support them so that they can live in peace and security.

About the three countriesHistory

Scheduled activitiesProject

Plans to accept displaced persons and support war victims

We invite displaced persons from Ukraine to Japan and help them to live in safety and security.

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Ukraine-Poland-Japan Cultural Exchange

We promote cultural, educational, and academic exchanges at the private level. We also hope to pursue student exchange programs.

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